Wednesday 18 March 2015


With all the hounds gone and the hearts lost in deep desperation, the deer wandered in the land of its own, a land created from the very imaginations he owned. The monkeys at the tree tops could do all things but never would they savor the very moment, the very moment they escaped demise.

The road to the kingdom lies straight on the road to the eternal bond between the very exuding thoughts that enveloped the stirring desperations of the ferocious lioness; it attacked the herds and forgot that the herd had a sniper for a watch dog.

Many fairies are yet to be born but the world says they do not exist, while those who believe only phantom the very thought that occupies their very imaginations, that which comes with but a compromise.

Everything looked as though the pale blue sky had travelled, but the shy clouds had gone on a date with Her, only wishing that he’d not rattle or quiver when the face of the world will stand at the distance when he cuddles in her hug.

A wonderful smile is the very truth that life was but nonetheless a bitter cry yet reveals the truth about life itself, life is not all milk and honey because it sinks in money, but because it kicks every morning.

All shadows taint and fade but the very thing that never fades is that which tears apart the heart of gallant men, that which fells them hard to the floor even in their grandeur their voices reach the heavens as they wallow in mourning.

The eagles never flew that high for a reason for fear is not its very weakness but the very source of that infinite strength it possesses. Learn from the eagle.

An animal soared the skies and the heavens and made proud boasts of the birds of the air and won every championships he ever challenged them to because they were focused on its ego

The clock will tick, the bell must ring, the gong must sound, the light must shine forth and the day definitely must go out, but this leads to yet a cycle of continuity.

The old woman is human, where’s her cat at? “The mouse is in the house” Who took Pug her dog for a jog? A puzzle with sizzle bottled in a turtle and so reliant on its muscle pulls the diddle of the frigid needle.

The desert is for flourishing ideas as the rivers and the seas are for emptying them, thus the man never finds fault in himself but in the community.

The three tailed lizard has set out on a journey to conquer its deliquescent horrors of been eaten by the hawk, but the hawk envies the meadow.

It is better to hear the crying voice of an angel than to listen to the melodious songs of a demon, true depending on the music keys and notes. Can one really avoid the tempting audacity of a demon’s ring-back tune?

When sorrow spreads its mat to lie down, the poor man does not sleep. Hunger and the dilapidating idiopathy of belly rumbles and wheezing are more than enough to worry about. Is it me or is this meaning boding wrong?

Having an ugly husband is better than being a widow. True, depending on what you lost. Please read meanings to the literals.

A friend is more valuable than a brother when feasting on a leg of meat and a pot of wine, but when a corpse in smelling and the wind runs so hurriedly, a friend disappears.

Whenever a fence is made, goats are unhappy. Why?! Oh come on, they are still going to get there; it only uses up more energy whilst thinking of a way to jump through the fence. Note that fences only make people more curious.

A blind man sleeps more than his fellow both day and night.

He who has a child let him not cal it trouble maker. Good name shines like wealth. Names Should bear meanings not bushings.

From a Great Sage to Another.
By Sage I-Kin

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